Gary C. Harrell
2 min readDec 26, 2023

24 HACKS FOR 2024

[Image Credit: Freepik]

This week, as you prepare for a successful 2024...

(1) Reflect on the lessons of 2023.
(2) Reaffirm your values, and make note of who and what is important to you.
(3) Identify the things for which you should be grateful.
(4) Show gratitude for where you are in life.
(5) Store away old records and materials that aren’t readily needed in the new year.
(6) Delete those old messages, texts, connections, and images that trigger negative thoughts and feelings.
(7) Distance yourself from negativity and distractions.
(8) Be slow to respond to anything with anger or impulsivity.
(9) Keep your inner circle small.
(10) Give your energy to productive and reciprocal ends.
(11) Be charitable; yet, know your boundaries, and make damn-sure others know them, too.
(12) Examine areas of your life where improvement is needed.
(13) Create an actionable self-improvement plan.
(14) Define what a successful year, overall, would look like.
(15) Develop goals and plans for new aspects of your life.
(16) Breakdown each goal into milestones that are scheduled, quantifiable, measurable, and attainable.
(17) Use a planner, whether digital or physical, to organize and manage your time.
(18) Take action, and stay focused on those actions.
(19) Practice mindfulness, exercise, get adequate rest, and take breaks between tasks and meetings.
(20) Measure your progress and work at the end of each week.
(21) Get your mind off of what other people are doing.
(22) Create an accountability circle wherein you and a trusted set of others help one another stay on course with your individual or collective goals.
(23) Celebrate the victories, but get up the following day and work even harder for the next.
(24) Remind yourself that fear is the assassin of your greatness, and that even in challenging times, you can find ways to capitalize on opportunities.

Gary C. Harrell
Gary C. Harrell

Written by Gary C. Harrell

Entrepreneur. Writer. Son. Brother. Friend… Visit to learn more.

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